Good luck.Another thing to explain here.Depending on the device, it is possible you need to change the name of the iGO directory and the igo.exe this (thanks Bobtheboor!)Had to make a directory called DestinatorApps then change the name of directory iGO8 to Destinator. Then changed file application.dat to Destinator.exe.and change the sys.txt to meet these changes:foldersapp='%SDCARD%/DestinatorAppsDestinator'Of course, the name to change to depends on the device.If you have to make changes to the device's shell.ini (to start igo the same way as your previous gps program) is not part of this postFFUI ERRORThis indicates a or error.One file (mostly is but sometimes both files are bad, corrupted. And create a fault.Solution: download a new and and replace the old. Simple.IMPORTANT: Before you replace, check out the new is suited for your resolutionInit ApiInit.api points to a license problem.Change the license, the latest iGO builds use only the Generic Worldwide license. (and some also the driver alerts add-on)Failed to open file: uiigo8/480272/mainscheme.ui'Failed to open file: uiigo8/480272/mainscheme.ui'only means your does not support your resolution. In this case 480 x 272, all resolutions are possibleYou need another data.zipGeoDB errorGeoDB errors are map related.The experience tells us that these errors are usually caused by:- (most likely) too many maps in the map folder: restrict to the maps you need- too many map related items (3dl and 3dc files, POI files): also restrict to the files you need- corrupted maps (example by faulty download) test by deleting all maps in the map folder and adding them one by one (on the condition that the previous reasons are excluded!)Bazzle. Some very interesting and useful info here so thanks for that.This thread seems to be the place to ask a relevent question.
What exactly is the 'Branding' folder for? I've been experimenting with both this and the 'Data' folder. What puzzled me was the fact that the data zip had a folder called 'uiigo8da' and the branding folder had one called 'uiigo8',Up to now I've assumed they should both be the same name.So, assuming the data zip is the dominant info source I deleted the branding 'uiigo8' leaving just the 'branding.ini' file in it. The programme works just fine and I can't see any difference.With regard to the data zip, I've deleted all resolution folders except the one I need, (800480).
Sdmmc Igo8 Igo8 Exe Free Download
Boa tardeBaixei o programa e copiei para o GPS Multilaser Tracker 4.3, como indicado.Fiz o caminho de navegacao.Porem, ao clicar no "navegacao"... a tela apenas pisca e nada acontece. O problema é não ter alterado o sys.txt? Se for, tentei também, porem achei um pouco complicado alterar os dados, fiquei com medo de piorar. Envio os dados deste arquivo. Caso seja possivel corrigi-lo, agradeco.[project]name="igo8_pda"[device]type="HP_SAGAN";[folders];content= "\ResidentFlash\iPAQ\Nav\content" ;secondary_root="NNG"[interface]maxzoom2d=400000minzoom2d=30shutdown_time=10show_exit=1show_minimize=1mapfontscale=250 store_orig_os_vol=1[map]2dheadup=13d_max_tiltlevel=82003d_default_tiltlevel=79003d_max_zoomlevel=4003d_min_zoomlevel=50 3d_max_zfar=400 3d_scale_carmodel=13dcarsizemin=1500 ;3000 if fov=353dcarsizemax=2000 ;3500 if fov=353dcarsizemul=20000[config]hideroadaltname=1 [gps]port=7baud=57600background_navigation=0[debug]skip_eula=1enable_roadshadow=1enable_roadsign=1 enable_landmark_occlusion=1fov = 30 ;35[2d]mincarsize=150mincarsize_zoomlevel=2000maxcarsize=170maxcarsize_zoomlevel=200 [3d] roadsign_lines_per_screen=14show_guidance_strip=1 ;show_guidance_arrows=1 ;guidancearrow_first_size=1.3;guidancearrow_first_alpha=16 ;guidancearrow_second_size=1.2;guidancearrow_second_alpha=14 Obrigado,Igor
Oi Italo tudo bem?Qual a maneira mais facil de pedir tua ajuda?Estou tentando instalar em um Airis T5, mas quando chamo o navegador, a tela congela no splashscreen, e vem a mensagem:"Failed to open file ui_igo8/480_272/main_scheme.ui exiting application".Pode me ajudar?abs. 2ff7e9595c